Drop test-what standard do you use?

By |2019-01-21T15:36:14-05:0014 July 2015|Comments Off on Drop test-what standard do you use?

As a leader in PE foam packaging, and it’s supporting products (such as corrugated and wood crating materials), drop testing is important. My goal is to inform you of the key standard to use when drop testing any of your current and/or future protective packaging solutions.

You might be wondering which standard you should use when drop testing. After researching this topic, and asking our design accredited engineers at Lovepac, the answer is easy-ASTM.If you go to their website, the below paragraph is taken directly from their home page.

‘ASTM International, formerly know as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards.’


This means that they are the authority to follow. At Lovepac, we are able to conform to any standard out there, whether it is FedEx, UPS, NEBS, or any other shipping company.

Our goal is to simplify the information these standards have, as well as provide you with insightful information that you can use internally in your own company. This will not only give you packaging that complies, but packaging that will get your product from A-Z safe and whole.

The next blog will be style specific, so keep an eye out for future blogs on drop test info. If you wish to be notified in the future, please fill in the link and get on our reader list.

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